WonderWall Events

WonderWall Fun Bar is alsow well-known for its special events. These events include NBA game screenings (often overnight!), Beer Pong tournaments full of adrenaline and… alcohol, karaoke nights, comedy nights and DJ sets by professional music producers!

Check out our unique Resident Events!

Kseftilasion (n.) < kseftila (Modern Greek): embarassement/belittling

Hosted by experienced stand-up comedian and radio producer Alexandros Harizanis, Kseftilasion Parties offers an endless storm of pop/trash music from the ’80s, the ’90s and the ’00s. Alexandros finds the best music. Then he puts it aside and plays whatever is left for you! In other words, he offers you a set of tracks that can only be described as “guilty pleasure”! Enjoy responsibly.